Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday's Tweets

I'm assuming that most of the journalists that I'm following have the weekends off, because there wasn't a lot of tweeting today. There are only a couple tweets worth mentioning.

Greta Van Susteren did post an interesting idea on her blog. She suggested moving the upcoming trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed from New York to Guantanamo Bay. Apparently, the trial can be in any civilian federal court, so Guantanamo Bay would be an option. The problem with this would be juror selection, as transporting the jury members to Guantanamo could be a problem. If that wouldn't work, Van Susteren suggests using a less populated state, such as Montana, to avoid the organizational problems and potential terrorist threats that could result from having the trial in a large city like New York.

The second most interesting story is one that Phil Elliot was able to give a semi-eyewitness report on. Elliot first tweeted that there were 45 police cars, two satellite trucks, and a helicopter on his block in Columbia Heights (Washington D.C.). Shortly after that, he linked to an article provided by one of his followers which reports that a seven year old boy had been shot and killed. The neighboring streets had been shut down while police searched for the shooter.

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